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2005-07-10 - 5:22 p.m.

Inspiration is a fickle thing. Sometimes you have too little and sometimes too much...there is no in between. And even when you have it, you need the willpower to go with it, or else it is worthless.

And so ends my puny excuse for my three-month hiatus.


So. I'm eighteen. Old enough to rent porn, smoke cigarettes, have sex, and vote...not necessarily in that order.

So. I'm eighteen. Old enough to watch a friend of mine sign up for the National Guard and realize that he will most likely end up overseas. And then to realize he is almost a year younger than I am.

So. I'm eighteen. Old enough to bartend, as long as I don't drink any of what I'm serving.

So. I'm eighteen. Old enough to have aged out of the local children's theater program I loved so much.

So. I'm eighteen. Old enough to go leave my home and go to college, much to the horror of my sister and my father, although for different reasons. (Hers involve clinginess, his involve money.)

So. I'm eighteen. A legal adult. From here on out, I guide my own life and follow my own footsteps. I get to start all over again in a new place with only my own willpower to lead me. It's a scary thought, but liberating all the same. I am my own person...if I weren't before.

So. I'm eighteen. Happy birthday to me.

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