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2004-07-05 - 9:14 a.m.

Adventures in Campland: Day 15


Well, the Fourth of July is over. By tomorrow, it will even be officially over, if anyone is paying attention to the official date change. (Hey governmental geniuses: It's called the Fourth of July because it takes place ON JULY FOURTH.) Hopefully, the end of the Fourth will bring with it the end of the random midnight firecrackers from the nearby summer homes that we've been hearing for the last week. I hope so. I've actually gotten used to them, but the Israelis at camp still cringe whenever anything explodes. Some wounds just run too deep for healing.

But back to the Fourth. (Yes, that is meant to sound funny.)

One thing I've noticed about this camp is that there isn't a single Republican in the bunch. Everybody hates Bush, even the eight-year-olds who don't even know who he is, but know that Mommy and Daddy say he's a BAD MAN. The staffers are trying to organize a staff outing to see "Farenheit 9/11", if you'll believe it! This place is swarming with Anti-American Treason! I'm impressed anyone even celebrated the Fourth!

But, news flash: We did. And in the good old American way, too: with fireworks.

Yup, there it was. What looked remarkably like the entire second-session budget flew up and exploded before our very eyes. It was blindingly bright. It was raucously noisy. It was great.

And right in the middle of it, someone started to sing...

"The Star-Spangled Banner".

And would you believe it, then EVERYONE started singing, every Anti-American in the whole damn camp! We sang it loudly. We sang it proudly. We practically drowned out the fireworks.

And when we were finished, all of us Bush-bashers, us America-haters--all of us crazy, evil liberals began to chant, not some anti-Bush mantra, but "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" We chanted right up until the end of the show and burst into loud applause.

But, hey, I guess in our hearts we're all really just a bunch of traitorous, cowardly, liberal scum who hate America and refute its values.

Let's all learn "O Canada" for next year.

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