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2004-07-01 - 7:03 p.m.

Adventures in Campland: Day 11


Almost-two-year-olds. Nearly an inexhaustible source of humor--and energy. If scientists could find a way to channel and store the excess energy of the almost-two-year-old, gas prices would become a moot point. Trust me. I've been babysitting one for nearly two weeks straight.

But back to the humor part.

The boy I'm babysitting has difficulty pronouncing a few words. Which is complicated, given that his vocabulary only has a few words. Which is further complicated by the fact that he speaks in three languages: English, Hebrew, and gibberish, with gibberish predominant. At first, I had absolutely no idea what he was saying. Over time, however, I've come to understand him pretty well, although his misspeech never ceases to amuse me. Especially this one:

"Is that yummy?" I ask.

Big grin. "Money!" he shrieks.

I love it.

I love it because I know people who would use those words as synonyms. Or say "yummy" and think "money". And they wouldn't do it by accident. I know a LOT of people like that.

Maybe you do too.

Oh, the temptation. I can see it now:

"Are you enjoying dinner?" asks the wealthy buisiness person.

"Oh, yes. My dinner is quite money."

Long pause. Blank stare.

"Say again?"

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