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2004-07-02 - 3:16 p.m.

Adventures in Campland: Day 12


My mother is worrying. Oh, boy. From her email (and her entries), I surmise that not only has her closet of anxieties dropped a load on her head, but the door must have hit her in the face as well.

So now I'm going to write about fun. Loads of happy, happy fun that I'm having. I thought writing about a cute little child would do it, but no cigar. It's time to pull out the big guns. It's time for staff bonding. It's time for more cute children. It's time for propaganda.

It's time for Monty Python.

Oh, yes, you know you need to get a life when the highlight of your week at camp is watching a movie (note: while a certain adorable, cuddly, cute child is sleeping adorably, cuddly, and cutely...) But then again, it's not just any movie. It's "Monty Python's Life of Brian". My guilty pleasure movie.

And not just mine. Every time I go to a Jewish camp, everyone wants to watch "Life of Brian". EVERYONE. But because it's rated R, I never actually got to watch it at a Jewish camp (I'm seventeen! Woohoo! Happy birthday! Adlib etc.!). I mean, at my old camp we weren't even allowed to watch anything PG-13, let alone a movie with brief full frontal nudity (note: that is NOT why this movie is a guilty pleasure! That status is due more to the Jewish jokes and making fun of the Jesus story...I mean, how many movies make fun of Jesus? I could count them on one hand, I bet).

But it was worth the wait. The events of that party were almost as fun as the movie. The assistant director reciting the lines of entire scenes as they happened. Everyone telling the assistant director repeatedly to shut up, in varying degrees of impoliteness. The waterfront director (the only other female present) reacting to the fact that she was the only person there who hadn't seen the movie. The waterfront director not getting a single joke. The Israeli administrator realizing that he knew exactly where in Israel one of the scenes was filmed--and proceeding to tell us all in detail. Everyone (except the waterfront director, who left before the nudity scene--although her reaction to that would have also been extremely funny) singing a rousing chorus of the finale number, "Always Look On the Bright Side of Life", in various degrees of off-keyness. Everyone (except the waterfront director) failing miserably at whistling the song. Everyone showing up for work the next day STILL singing that damn song. All of those little touches that make fun...well, fun.

So there, Mom. You don't have to worry. I do have a life at camp.

It just happens to be Brian's, that's all.

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