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2003-07-08 - 7:45 p.m.

�The play�s the thing� �Hamlet, Hamlet Act II, Scene ii


Mine eyes have seen the glory of the greatest show on earth.

It wasn�t the circus, although that�s coming to town soon. It wasn�t Pygmalion, although I saw that as well. No, there�s only one show that could so send me into dances of delight, throes of ecstasy, and songs of praise.

You guessed it.


Hamlet! Hamlet! Hamlet!

And what a production! The acting was all good, but mostly excellent. The humor in the play�yes, I KNOW it�s a tragedy, but it�s still remarkably funny�was made the most of. The drama was expounded upon and interpreted in new and better ways (which I will not detail here, because I know many of you have not had the great joy of seeing this marvelous piece of theater and would not have a clue what I was saying). Music and props were incorporated smoothly and effectively. All the technical work (I�m a techie, I notice these things, what can I say?) was similarly well executed and seamless.

I thought I�d died and gone to heaven.

I hadn�t, of course. But one can always hope...(wow, that REALLY sounded like Hamlet�scary!).

That night I went to bed in high spirits and passed the night with happy Hamlet dreams. Sister, apparently, also dreamt about Hamlet, but according to her, all of her dreams ended with the Ghost (of Hamlet�s murdered father, who entered and exited down our aisle) chasing her or attacking her or something like that.

Sheesh. But as I later thought, it meant that the actor portraying the Ghost had done a good job.

My mother says that the next morning was the first time I had awakened cheerfully since I was about two. This just proves how much I love Hamlet�it�s the only thing I can think of which overrides my �sleep� impulse pleasantly.

Of course, my mother also called me a �Hamlet Freak� simply because I could tell her exactly which scenes had been edited for the production, exactly which lines had been removed, and exactly how the full lines ran.

Shows how little she knows. I�m not a �Hamlet Freak�.

I�m a full-blown �Hamlet Aberration�!


So that�s how I spent my weekend in divine bliss. In fact, only one thing could possibly make me happier:

The fact that I�m seeing another production of Hamlet this Friday!

�Hamlet Aberration�, indeed!

(Note to my readers: Sorry for the hiatus in posting. I was in Tuscon for a week and unable to write. And last week...well, with Hamlet to look forward to, I could barely remember to eat and sleep, let alone post. Nothing personal!)

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